here goes one more tag:)...Rimz and Guria .[Rimz][Guria]...tagged me:)..thank u dear:)...enjoyed doing this one:)
RULES: Respond and rework – answer these questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own, and add one more question to the list. Then tag eight or ten other new set of people.
1.What is your current obsession? Reading
2. What are you wearing today? Yellow salwar kamiz
3. What’s for dinner? will come to know once i finish this tag
4. What’s the last thing you bought? Pizza
5. What are you listening to right now? my CPU's humming and keyboard clicking
6. What do you think about the person who tagged you? beautiful darlings
7. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? Near beach(Malibu)
8. What are your must-have pieces for summer? haven't yet planned
9. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? To him:P...he he..straight into his arms!!
10. Which language do you want to learn? French
11. What’s your favourite quote? "We are all born mad-Some remain so"
12. Who do you want to meet right now? My frien in aus
13. What is your favourite colour? current mood picks Black
14. What is your favourite piece of clothing in your own closet? my shorts
15. What is your dream job? i dont dream about jobs...
16. What’s your favourite magazine? Cosmopolitan
17. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? some to Healing horse and rest to mom.
18. What do you consider a fashion faux pas? ??...nothing's clicking
19. Who according to you is the most over-rated style icon? Nikil
20. What kind of haircut do you prefer? No haircut please..
21. What are you going to do after this? Dinner.
22. Who is your favourite sport star? Fed
23. What are three cosmetic/makeup/perfume products that you can't live without? non n i'm surviving...
24. What inspires you? nature,my dreams
25. Give us three styling tips that always work for you: no make-up, a smile,hmmm...n jus smile:)...
26. What do you do when you “have nothing to wear” (even though your closet’s packed)? my shorts and a pink top usually works.
27. Coffee or tea? non.
28. What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed? write, rhyme..
29. What is the meaning of your name? may be its lotus not sure...
30. Which other blogs do you love visiting? Al that I follow.
31. Favorite Dessert/Sweet? Chocolates
32. Favorite Season? All
33. If I come to your house now, what would u cook for me? i wod give u water!!...sorry dont cook
34. What is the right way to avoid people who purposefully hurt you?ignorance is bliss
35. What are you afraid of the most? Of hurting anyone..
36. What do you love most about yourself? I, me & myself:)
My Question: 37. how many of u comment jus because u have to and not because u like to!!??...he he...
i wod like to tag:....
Happy tagging:).....
Poetry Reading and Roundtable
2 days ago
HI Nanditha,
good so u like chacolates like me..BUt u know, i cant take them more as i have synus problem..:(
for ur last qsn: I do comment because i love to do..:)
Thanks for tagging..will do it soon
hey what happened to ur comments counter..? its nto moving frm days..:(
good post..
@ Pramoda.-
thank u dear:)...ooh i'm soo sorry sweetie:(...hmmm its k leav its special n wow to have chocolates on special occasions:)...
@ Pramoda-
think some prob dear:(...dont know:(..will see to it dear:)...thank u:)..n yaa will be waiting for ur replies too:)...
@ pinkZz-
thank u dear:)...take care gal...
seems an interesting tag, have fun,
Whenevr I drop by..
You are tagging only :D
Chal Ill give you a variety !!
You have been awarded !!
Check out my blog !!
GOd bless !!
nice answers to the tag sweets. :)
u said i am tagged again.. which tag now ??
oo i luv tags :)!! and i luv the quote...we are born mad!..some remain so!..true!
oye hoey i love the tag :D
and i will follow "IGNORANCE is BLISS"
thanks hunz... you sure love me a lot!
Hmmm......had fun..loved it...
@ Yvonne-
thank u dear:)
@ ~ Pankhuri-
thank u very much dear:)..i'm honoured:)..
@ Ria-
thank u dear:)...
@ pinkZz-
havnt posted yet yarr:(...hmmm :)..will do soon:)..take care
@ HaRy-
yaa:)..tats wat i feel!!:)..he he
@ AD-
of course gal:)..needless to say:)*hugs*:)
@ Escapist-
thank u dear:)..glad u had fun:)
haha CPU wonder you are technical person (unlike 'normal' girls :P )
Nice tag yaar....and you have nicely done it..!!!
and i am not at all the one who comment coz i have to comment...!! so that question is not for me..!!! hehehehhe
@ Tauqeer-
he he:)...thank u:)
@ yamini-
thank u dear:)...both u n ur comment mean a lot:)
Interesting tag.. me a totally chocaholic
Web hosting india
@ workhard-
he he:)...welcome to my blog dear:)...enjoy:)
i came to pick this tag but hello i cant copy paste :(
oh i finally copied it from somewhere :)
did it!
but it will publish later :)
keep chekcing my wordpress blog over the weekend!
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